Cherishing Wow Moments
The first thought that comes to my mind is: “Education is a connection of the heart.”
The distance is hard, but it is bringing me closer to each one of you, KG2C students. It is allowing me to cherish each wow moment we have, in or outside the classroom. It reminds me of all those smiles on a Sunday morning, eager to tell me their weekend stories. I miss checking if you are still eating healthy snacks. I know all the learning that is happening at home now- you will remember it throughout your lives.
I am thankful for all the efforts that parents of KG2C have been putting in with regards to their children’s development, during these challenging times. All the fabulous videos I am seeing on Classdojo and the prompting voices I hear; it tells me that you are brilliant teachers as well. Thank you, parents, for always being supportive.
Miss Mona.