Nibras International School (NIS) expects that all staff and volunteers in our schools and any contractors or partner agency staff used by the school, recognize where a student is at risk of, or is actually being harmed and do all they can to reduce further risk or harm.
We recognize that NIS plays a particularly important role in protecting our students; we are in a good position to identify concerns early and provide or identify help for students as well as helping to prevent these concerns from escalating. NIS adhere to these basic principles:
A child’s welfare is paramount and each student has the right to be protected from harm and exploitation and to have their welfare safeguarded irrespective of race, religion, ability, gender or culture.
All students need to be safe and feel safe in school.
Every student is entitled to a rich and broad curriculum that helps to equip them to keep themselves safe.
Every adult in school must have a demonstrable commitment to protecting the students with/for whom we work.
We work in partnership with parents/carers and/or other professionals to ensure the protection of students.
Our guiding principle throughout is ‘the best interests of the students’.
All students have the same equal rights to protection, but we recognize that we need to do more for some students because of their special educational needs, disability, gender, religion or sexual orientation.