To thank our outstanding students for their amazing academic results and recognize those who have grown with our school, NIS organized the first annual ‘Legacy Dinner’.
This year, our school has chosen four valedictorians. These are students with the highest marks in their high school class. Most schools usually recognize only one valedictorian but the achievements of these students were so amazing that we could not choose just one!
At the Legacy Dinner, we also recognized two students from the graduating class, who have been at NIS since kindergarten. They truly have grown with the school, and created friendships they will have for a lifetime.
This first Legacy Dinner was a way for us as a school, to celebrate the achievements and loyalty of these 6 students. The students were not aware that we would be recognizing them at the dinner. Needless to say, when our principal, Dr. Jay B. Teston, and Head of Secondary School, Ms. Debra Willacey, revealed this news to students and their families at the beginning of this celebratory dinner, they were all surprised.
It feels great to have my child’s accomplishments celebrated. Jamal has been studying hard all these years and putting in a lot of effort. He has also been inspired by a lot of his teachers across the year. He has been in Nibras International School since Kindergarten and he feels like it’s his second home – his family. We are all happy with this achievement.” – Jamal Nassar, Jamal’s father
“It’s the next step forward. It is definitely a proud moment for both parents where they can see their child go to the next step and tackle the future..” – Walid El Saikali, Marella’s father
Each student was presented with achievement certificates and handed the sashes they will proudly wear during the Graduation ceremony.
Our Senior Leadership Team members, as well as the ISP Team Leaders, congratulated them on this achievement and shared some words of wisdom as they move on to the next stage of their education journey.
“The Nibras community coae together as a family and bestowed upon the Class of 2021, its stamp of approval on their personal and academic achievements. We impart on them the legacy of Nibras International Schoo,l as we release them into the world fully equipped with our TORCH Values.” – Dr. Jay B. Teston, Head of School / Principal
“Never limit the heights that you can reach. Take pushback and critical feedback as a means to grow more, and keep aspiring to always learn more!” – Ms. Debra Willacey, Head of Secondary
“The Nibras Legacy dinner was a unique evening that marked the beginning of a great tradition. As a governor, I felt welcomed and valued. Being a parent myself, I was so moved to see the efforts of Nibras children and parents being rewarded. Congratulations to all involved.” – Christina Psarra, School Governor.
The Valedictorian students chosen have shown resilience, determination, and passion during the last few years. Amr, Jamal, Marella, and Maya have led their peers by example, worked hard, and accomplished amazing results. As they step into the next chapter of their life, we thank them for carrying the NIS Torch high and embodying our values so well.
The two students who were awarded the ‘Resilience Legacy’ award received this for showing outstanding loyalty to our community. Maya and Mariam have grown and learned together with the school. We are grateful that their families have chosen NIS to be their school since Kindergarten. As they step into the future, we want to thank them for leaving a lasting impact on our community at NIS.
Our first ‘Legacy Dinner’ was a successful and memorable event that allowed us to celebrate some of our amazing students. We hope this becomes one of the most anticipated events of the NIS annual calendar.